‘Crow’s Feet’ or Laugh Lines:
With age our vision seems to start blurring and a lot of times we even need to use glasses to restore our lost vision. It is usual for most people suffering from such vision problem to be squinting their eyes now and then. Also some people are used to always use the squinting action while concentrating on any specific object. This action could cause the ‘crow’s feet’ or occurrence of age lines beneath your eyes. Apart from people suffering from near-sightedness, this kind of motion wrinkle is also seen to appear in people who suffer from excessive sun damage and dryness in these areas. If the condition gets severe you might even need to resort to Botox injection treatment. For usual laugh lines, you should use products that are rich in glycolic acid or alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA).
Dark Circles under the Eyes:
Too much of stress and lack of sleep could end you up with deep dark circle below your eyes. To start off with, there is no substitute to sleep. Hence you need to provide your eyes with ample rest and try curing off these dark circles. However for some, this alone might not work – especially where the age factor is also involved. In that case you can visit a dermalogist for better advice.
You can use natural products as well to help you in this regard. Products rich in Vitamin K (in a ratio of 2-5%) have been found to cure dark circles quite effectively. Similarly the horse chestnut, butcher’s broom and even plant extracts collected from grape’s seeds are found to be quite useful in curing this condition. Read more about these products before you try it on yourself.
Finally, for some unfortunate people, this kind of skin problem could also be caused due to irregular skin pigmentation. Take a trip to the dermalogist to ensure whether these dark circles are an outcome of pigmentation or simple vascular problems. Only then you can move on to using more severe treatments like bleaching agents etc.
Puffiness under the Eyes:
Do you find bags hanging down from below your eyes? This condition of puffiness and loss of skin tone could be caused from the general aging and they can be easily fixed using the guidelines laid down so far.
Surgical Options for treating these conditions:
For treating aging and sun-damaged skin, physicians use the Thermage or ThermaCool procedure using the TC radio-frequency system. Under this type of treatment, deep intense heat rays are projected on to the damaged areas of skin to help their restoration without harming the epidermis. These rays use safe radiofrequency energy which can help to reduce wrinkles and remove bagginess by penetrate the top layer of the skin. They eventually help in tightening up the skin tissues by uniformly heating up the dermis deep within.
This treatment can cost you something around $2000-$5000. The visible improvements from use of this treatment are seen to last for around six months while for some others it could last for some years as well. This depends on how far your body reacts to the aging process. The end product is a more youthful and rejuvenated you!
(Source: SkinCare How)
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