(Following Part 1)
7 PROTECT YOUR EYES FROM UV RAYS: Research has proved now beyond doubt that UV rays from the sun could cause a lot of damage to your eyes and bring in early onset of aging signs as well. Over exposure to such rays could cause the risk of skin cancer too. Hence it is necessary that you use sunglasses that can obstruct such UVA and UVB rays from reaching your eyes. Also use the right kind of sunscreen lotions. You should take help from your dermatologist and optometrist while making these choices since this kind of damage from exposure to UV rays is usually irreversible.
8 PROTECT YOUR EYES FROM SKIN IRRITATION: On a number of occasions you might have suffered from eye irritation as well as inflammation. They both go hand in hand. Most of the times these are caused as a side effect of using the wrong kind of skin care agents. The portion of skin surrounding our eyes is very sensitive and hence it becomes more important that we take extreme care of what we use in this area. You need to avoid creams like Tretinoin which can dry the skin out completely and any kind of application that has hydroxyl acids with a pH level of 3.5 and above. When your doctor or beautician puts you on a product, take care:
9 Try to use the least intense concentration of the product. If after using the same for more than a couple of weeks you find no signs of irritation or inflammation, you can move to higher doses of the product – as recommended by your doctor.
. The inside of your arm is an area as sensitive as the skin surrounding your eyes. Hence it makes good sense to make a trial of the product on this portion of the skin before you apply it to your eyes.
. For your eyes, try to use products specifically designed. Such products will contain fewer irritants and will help you with better hydration as well.
. At any time if you suffer from irritation or inflammation from usage of the product, stop using it at that time itself. There is no sense in harming yourself any further since it would do more damage than any good!
. The inside of your arm is an area as sensitive as the skin surrounding your eyes. Hence it makes good sense to make a trial of the product on this portion of the skin before you apply it to your eyes.
. For your eyes, try to use products specifically designed. Such products will contain fewer irritants and will help you with better hydration as well.
. At any time if you suffer from irritation or inflammation from usage of the product, stop using it at that time itself. There is no sense in harming yourself any further since it would do more damage than any good!
A bad and hurried kind of lifestyle will have a very heavy toll on your body as well. Lack of sleep, poor diet and alcohol consumption are just some of the few reasons that people start to age so soon in the current generation. The most obvious outcome is puffiness of the eyes and for curing them you need to make use of the above said natural remedies. Also, you need to lead a good life as well. Finally a lot of water intake and reduction in intake of sodium or table salt in your diet can help you to get rid of puffiness to a large extent.
However, if you notice such puffiness of eyes to exist for a long period of time, it would be best to meet a physician since it could even indicate the presence of some serious health issues like kidney or liver diseases.
(Source: SkinCare How)
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