Step 1- Cleansing
Find a good quality cleanser suitable for your skin type. Do not change brands very frequently. Avoid soaps because they tend to be harsh and leave the skin dry. Likewise a cream based cleanser is suitable for very dry skin. Now the question is how many times a day! Do not cleanse too many times. You must definitely remove the make up and grime before bedtime. Use a dollop of cleanser on wet skin and wash off with clod or slightly warm water. You can simply apply cold cream and wipe off, if you have very dry skin. There is no need to use the cleanser in the morning. Just a splash of cold or warm water would suffice
Step 2- Exfoliation
Exfoliation is usually a weekly routine. But if using a mild scrub daily can make your skin look youthful. The most common exfoliation method is the microdermabrasion, where you remove the dead surface cells using a mild scrub. The scrub should have very tiny grains or else it can harm the skin by injuring it.
Chemical peels are very effective as they can literally take years off your face. But they can be very expensive. You can also exfoliate using retinoids. They work by removing the surface dead layer of skin at the same time regenerating collagen fiber under the skin surface. There is no need of a toner if you are using a good cleanser
Step 3- Moisturize
Moisturizer is one product that is essential for everyone, irrespective of whether one has oily skin. If you are not prone to acne you must use a moisturizer after cleansing. But be careful to avoid clogging of the surface pores. Whenever your skin feels tight it is a sign that your skin needs some moisturizer. You may also choose to use an under eye cream as this area is prone to wrinkles and hence needs a heavier cream.
Step 4- Screen the sun
The main cause of skin damage is exposure to sun. Our skin needs sunlight for it to remain healthy but mostly it is classic case of too much of a good thing. The best is to buy a moisturizer with sunscreen for the day time. You must buy a separate moisturizer for night as the sunscreen ingredients are to be used only during the day time.
Make skin care a part of your daily routine and enjoy youthful looking skin forever. After all beauty is definitely skin deep.
(Source: SkinCare How)
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