Why do we sleep anyway? That’s 9 hours I could be playing video games, practicing my free-throw, or even studying—what a waste!
No way is sleep a waste! Sleep is an important a part of your health and energy—it ranks right up there with diet and exercise. Sleep gives you the energy to play video games and basketball, and to study. Even if you could study for 9 hours straight without getting tired, you’ll remember what you studied more if you sleep after studying. While you sleep, your body stores memories. And not sleeping enough can make you clumsy—that’s no good while you’re on the court. While you sleep, your brain releases the hormones that control your growth. If you don’t sleep enough, you may be tired, cranky, klutzy, and forgetful.
While scientists are a little baffled about why all this recharging can happen only when we sleep, they all agree that we do need to sleep.
No way is sleep a waste! Sleep is an important a part of your health and energy—it ranks right up there with diet and exercise. Sleep gives you the energy to play video games and basketball, and to study. Even if you could study for 9 hours straight without getting tired, you’ll remember what you studied more if you sleep after studying. While you sleep, your body stores memories. And not sleeping enough can make you clumsy—that’s no good while you’re on the court. While you sleep, your brain releases the hormones that control your growth. If you don’t sleep enough, you may be tired, cranky, klutzy, and forgetful.
While scientists are a little baffled about why all this recharging can happen only when we sleep, they all agree that we do need to sleep.

Test your smarts in the Picnic Pickup Game! In 60 seconds, try avoiding junk foods and click on the healthy, nutritious foods instead to win points and maintain your energy level.
It's tough to stay alert in classes all day, do stuff after school, see your friends, and get through all your homework at night. Who has time to add physical activity to this list? It’s a weird but true fact: being active actually helps you feel more awake and have the energy to do all the things you want to do every day. Activity helps you feel better, stay alert, and deal with stress. Plus, it helps you sleep better—so you’ve tackled two parts of the energy equation at once.

(Source: HealthFinder.gov)
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